I have been making lots of "rocks" this week for the cabin fireplace. I have been using Paperclay to create the stone. After some more 'trial and error' I figured out that the most successful method was to make the rocks individually then glue them to the fireplace when they are close to being dry.
I added another small section of roof to the living room. I ended up using some paint stir sticks for the structure from the local big box store. I had been holding off on the roof and shingles around the fireplace until I figured out how I was going to create the stone. I wasn't sure if I should build the roof around the fireplace or install rocks around the roof.
After the roof piece was in place, I finished shingling the roof on both ends of the cabin.
I decided to create a stone top for the chimney out of the clay also. Now I get to select some paint colors for the stone.
Here is the view of the chimney from the living room side of the cabin
Here is the view looking over the front porch.
Here is a birds eye view from above.
The other project that I started was the stone work at the front door.
I used some cardboard to build a base for the stone column surrounds.
I toyed with the idea of creating four stone tapered pieces -but decided on three.
Four didn't leave a lot of room for furniture. I may build some sort of trellis over the front porch to tie the elements together. The porch floor and the three pieces will be covered with stone. I am also going to put stone around the entire base of the cabin.
Click on the cabin label below to see the progress on this project.